The Whys and Hows of Spring Mulch

Plants need nutrients to grow and bloom. Nineteen elements are considered essential for plant growth. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are primarily supplied by air and water. Plant roots absorb the remaining elements from the surrounding soil. For this reason, you want to cultivate your soil with compost and mulch. And you don't want chemically treated or dyed mulch. Pick a natural cedar or a natural hardwood mulch. We like the aesthetic of the darker hardwood mulch.


How-to Apply Mulch:

  • We like to apply fresh mulch either in the spring or in the fall to help with weed control and erosion, but mainly to help retain moisture during the hot and dry months of summer.

  • Pull out weeds first , even small ones.

  • Cut back any brown or dead growth from perennials and shrubs.

  • Rake out leaves and debris.

  • Use an edging tool to cut a 4" to 6" edge along your garden and your lawn. (We like our gardens to have sweeping curves, but if it's a foundation planting, it may be a straight line.)

  • Apply mulch 3" thick across your garden soil. (Be sure to clear mulch away from the base of trees, plants and shrubs. You don't want the mulch piled up directly against the plants, because that can invite insect damage.)

  • Smooth with a rock rake.


After we mulch, we don’t use a lot of additional fertilizers. We do use Holly-tone on acid-loving shrubs, especially right after their blooms fade to promote the production of new buds.

For clients with clay soil we recommend Greensand, an organic Espoma product, which prevents compaction and greatly improves the consistency of heavy soils.

We use two other products when planting:

The first is Espoma Bio-tone Starter Plus, which is an all-natural plant food with bacteria, humates, and mycorrhizae for enhanced root development. The other is a liquid version, Miracle-Gro Quick Start. Both products help new plants grow larger root mass and reduce transplant loss.


Benefits of Mulching: 

  • Controls erosion.

  • Prevents unwanted weeds.

  • Helps to retain moisture.

  • Regulates root zone temperatures.

  • Adds visual enhancement.

  • Encourages earthworm development.

  • Aids in neutralizing acid rain.

  • Keeps soil workable.

  • Allows moisture to be absorbed easily.

  • Dark, rich mulch makes a garden look polished and pulled together!


Victoria Gardens landscaping division has been designing, installing, and maintaining gardens in Ulster county for over 30 years.

Any project by Victoria Gardens begins with an hour long consultation with Victoria. The purpose of a consultation is to allow the designer to see your property and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions and to express your vision, wishes, and requirements for the project.

  • Design Consultations

  • Garden Installation

  • Garden Maintenance

  • Weeding & Mulching

  • Spring & Fall Clean Ups

  • Deer Spray

Read more about the Victoria Gardens Landscape Consultations.