How to bring houseplants inside before frost

Victoria will discuss the particulars of giving your plants the light and conditions that they need to thrive, and demonstrate the steps to take when bringing your houseplants inside before the frost.

Watch the video or read the article below.

#1. Before you deal with your plants, chose the spot inside and clear the space.

  • Northern and Eastern-facing rooms and windows is where low light and medium light plants will thrive.

  • Southern and Western-facing rooms are where more sun-loving plants will be happy.

  • Temperature matters too, where are your heating vents and radiators?

Think about how warm and dry the space will be during the winter days when your heat is on and what the temperature will dip down to during winter nights. For instance, if you keep your bedroom very cool at night, a snake plant will be right at home, but a tropical mandevilla may suffer.

#2. Inspect the plant for bugs and critters outside (before you bring it in!)

Victoria found a little tree toad in one of her houseplants, and while he's a cutie, he'll be happy outside. Check for spiders, white flies, and other pests too.

#3. Trim any ratty, scraggily looking leaves or sad-looking branches.

#4. Bring the plant inside directly to your kitchen sink.

#5. Inspect the undersides of leaves again for bugs or scale.

#6. Rinse the leaves and soak the plant (if it needs water).

#7. Rinse the saucer and wipe down the pot.

#8. Finally, let the pot and leaves dry before setting it in place.

Victoria recommends doing a few plants at a time now before there's the threat and rush of an impending frost!

And below is what is looked like once all the plants were moved inside!


Watch our other videos about houseplants here: