5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Houseplants

Here are five unexpected health benefits of keeping indoor plants in your home, especially during the winter months:

1. Some man made objects give off pollutants called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Everything from the ink in your printer to the plastic garbage bags you use in your kitchen can release these compounds. During the winter we keep our houses closed up and don't get the circulation of fresh air that comes with summer's open widows and doors. VOCs can build up and irritate your skin or exacerbate asthma. Houseplants can soak up VOCs.

2. Winter also brings dry air that can cause skin problems or increase your chances for catching colds or the flu. Freezing temperatures outside reduce overall humidity and then furnaces, forced air heat, and fireplaces further dry out the air indoors. Houseplants can raise the humidity in your home as much as 10% which can make all the difference in your health and comfort!

3. The leaves of houseplants, especially the the fuzzy or textured leaves of plants like African violets or Begonias, trap airborne particles, dust, allergens, and even mold. If you suffer from allergies, avoid any house plants with pollen or spores, but fill your rooms with foliage plants like Club Moss (Selaginella martensii) or Rabbit's Foot Fern (Davallia Fejeensis).

4. Extra oxygen may help you sleep more soundly. Houseplants like Snake Plant (Sansevieria), can thrive in a bedroom's lower light and lower temperature, as well as being one of the best oxygen producers.

5. Plants make us happy. Just having something natural in your space boosts your mood. But the addition of nurturing and caring for living plants provides satisfaction and anxiety reduction as well. There is somehow no greater joy than watching a houseplant like a Christmas cactus, put on it's tiny buds, watching them expand and color, and finally experiencing the delight (and pride) when the blooms burst open!

Victoria Gardens is located in Rosendale, NY on the corner of Rt 213 and Cottekill Road. We are a fully stocked plant nursery, garden center, and garden gift shop.

Throughout the season we have classes and special events, including private garden tours from March through November.

The shop is awash in greenery and stocked full of all the latest plants of interest; trendy foliage, succulents & cacti, petite fairy garden plants, lush ferns, pet- friendly plants, the best air purifiers — truly something for everyone. We promise that you’ll leave with a new plant friend to nurture for years to come.

Buy online while you still shop local!

The house plants we have available online are only a sample of what we have available in stock at the store.

Visit and be inspired!