Match the Right House Plants for the Conditions in your Home


For all the benefits house plants deliver, they are remarkably easy to care for if you match the right plants to the conditions of your home.

Here are the three things to consider:

  • Temperature

  • Light

  • Humidity 

Temperature: Some house plants prefer cooler conditions and thrive in temps as low as 50 or 40 degrees fahrenheit. If you keep your home on the cooler side, especially at night, a plant like Sansevieria (snake plant) is the perfect match for you.


Light: Not very many indoor plants like the full light of afternoon sun. Succulents and other desert plants do, but most other plants, even tropical plants, prefer the indirect light of a bright room, but out of direct sunlight. Some house plants can survive and even thrive in low light like Peace Lilies, Pothos (Devil's Ivy),  fittonia (Nerve plants), and Chinese Evergreen.


Humidity: Some plants can withstand dry air and soil that dries out dramatically in between waterings, like Kangaroo vines, Boston Ferns, spider plants, and snake plants and other plants want it so humid and wet that the plant can sit in a dish of water like Irish moss (Selaginella kraussiana).
