House Tour of Victoria's House Plant Collection: The Living Room Edition

At Victoria Gardens, we don't just sell plants, we collect them as well.

Victoria Coyne, owner of Victoria Gardens, takes you on a tour of her personal plant collection...well, the ones in her living room anyway.

One of the stars in this sunny room is a towering ficus tree. It truly brings the feeling of the outdoors inside.

Another fun feature is the Stephanotis growing up the stairs.

Victoria is a self-diagnosed plant-aholic.

Join her for the tour of her Peperomia collection, Australia tree fern, Kangaroo vines, and more.

Victoria Gardens is located in Rosendale, NY on the corner of Rt 213 and Cottekill Road. We are a fully stocked plant nursery, garden center, and garden gift shop.

The shop is awash in greenery and stocked full of all the latest plants of interest; trendy foliage, succulents & cacti, petite fairy garden plants, lush ferns, pet- friendly plants, the best air purifiers — truly something for everyone. We promise that you’ll leave with a new plant friend to nurture for years to come.