Spring Clean Up Q&A: How to prune hydrangeas and when

Spring Clean Up Q&A: How to prune hydrangeas and when

Q: Should I cut back my hydrangea plants now?

A: First of all, you are not going to kill your hydrangea if you cut it back or prune it at the wrong time, but you will lose the blooms that you would have had this garden season. So we want to be mindful about when we are pruning, so that we enjoy the maximum number of blooms.

Second, prune-time depends which hydrangea bush you have.

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Your Expert Guide to Early Spring Gardening in the Hudson Valley

Your Expert Guide to Early Spring Gardening in the Hudson Valley

Hudson Valley Magazine did a great article on early spring gardening advice.

They interviewed local professional Gardeners and Garden Designers, including Victoria Coyne from Victoria Gardens. :) The advice she gave is something she also talked about on the March episode of the Garden and Home Show with Sally Spillane on WKZE: Divide but be “quick and quiet.”

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For the Birds: Fall Fruiting Plants

For the Birds: Fall Fruiting Plants

As we move into autumn, there is a way to bring more color, more interest, and more drama into your backyard. By planting fall-fruiting bushes you will have the double benefit of colorful berries and the colorful birds that the berries attract. Many bird species gorge on fall berries before they migrate south and many other species, like cardinals, nuthatches and blue jays stay for the winter and continue to feed off the berries in your garden. Want to attract more birds to your backyard? Start with these attractive, fall-fruiting favorites.

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Spongy Moth Invasion

Spongy Moth Invasion

Spongy moths are incredibly destructive!

They defoliate trees and in some circumstances, that defoliation can kill the affected trees.

"Spongy moth populations rise and fall in cycles of roughly 10-15 years. Populations vary during the cycle, from years with few caterpillars and very minor damage, to years with large numbers of caterpillars and very noticeable leaf damage and tree defoliation. These population cycles are driven by predator-prey interactions, specifically the interactions between spongy moth, small mammals, and acorn production."

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Unexpected Fall Gardening Advice From The New York Times

Unexpected Fall Gardening Advice From The New York Times

A new and interesting way to think about your gardening practice!

The times had a great article by Margaret Roach featuring Rebecca McMackin, the director of horticulture at the 85-acre Brooklyn Bridge Park. She makes a great point we love: Fall Planting makes time for spring weeding!

"And there’s a bonus: With the staff no longer on hose duty all spring and summer, they have more time for that all-important task that must not be postponed: weeding.

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World’s Worst Invasive Plants Sold at Many U.S. Garden Centers

World’s Worst Invasive Plants Sold at Many U.S. Garden Centers

The best way to avoid invasives is to avoid fly-by-night growers and landscapers who lack any real plant knowledge. Some of Victoria’s growers have been in business for generations. And after 30+ years of garden design and maintenance, the Victoria Gardens’ crew know from personal experience whether plants stay, naturalize, or invade!

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Time to Fertilize!

Time to Fertilize!

What do the 3 Numbers on Plant Food Mean?

The three numbers represent ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium—in that order. For example, Rose-tone is a balanced 4-3-2 fertilizer includes 4 percent nitrogen, 3 percent phosphorus, 2 percent potassium. while Bone Meal’s ratio 4-12-0 is rich in phosphorus, which is highly beneficial for flowering plants and promote roots growth.

Fertilizers with a higher nitrogen (the first number) engorage leafy green growth.

Plant food with Potassium (the third number) can counter environmental stresses like heat, drought, bark damage, or garden pests.

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The Best Landscape Practices

The Best Landscape Practices

7 Steps to Happy Plants
#1. Choose the right plant
Shade or full sun? Wet tolerant or dry tolerant? Deer resistant, fast-growing, or black-walnut tolerant? Picking the right plant for your conditions is the number one secret to gardening success. At Victoria Gardens we know what plants work in all varieties of conditions. We can help you choose the right plant for the right spot!

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